Monday, July 31, 2006

Preoccupation a Sign of a Gay Spouse

Gay Spouse/Straight Spouse
What are some of the traits that one should look for if you think your spouse might be gay? I think that there is a pre-occupation with any secret in life. They are totally absorbed in their own little world and aren't really there a lot of times. They are focused inwardly on themselves and not outwardly on others. Just think if you are living a secret life, you would be a little pre-occupied.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Married Men that are Gay

Gay Spouse/Straight Spouse I just got done reading an article in the June 2006 issue of Marie Claire Magazine about people that were married to others with "secret" lives. The story that really piqued my interest was the one written by Ava who had been married to a gay man with AIDS and married her purposely to give her AIDS so that he wouldn't die alone. Does it get any more selfish than that? He has since died and she is living with HIV. After her husband told her that he was gay, he told her that he married her "strictly as a cover and never hand any intention of giving up his gay lifestyle." He revealed that some of the groomsmen in the wedding party were also his lovers. She is now speaking out as an AIDS activist in schools, churches and the community.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Gay Spouse/Straight Spouse

Gay Spouse/Straight Spouse I have recently been introduced to the show "Family Guy" on Fox the other day by some teenagers. I watched it on Sunday nite after watching a weekend of discs they had on a car trip. Mention was made of John Travolta getting married and liking women and wanting to "kiss" them. There is a lot of buzz these days out there about movies stars that are gay and try to put on the appearance of a straight man...Tom Cruise comes to mind. Why are we lying to ourselves about what is going on around us and not just dealing with reality? How many couples are there in ordinary life that are living the same "hidden" life?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Gay Spouse/Straight Spouse

Gay Spouse/Straight Spouse

Do you have a story about dating or being married to a gay spouse (male or female?)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bisexual Men

Got this post the other day....I appreciate his honesty and insightfulness.

"Liked your blog. Sorry to read about your situation. I know it is fairly common these days, but still a very traumatic thing for someone to have to go through especially having no idea of your ex-husband's inclinations. You seem to be an honest and open person who deserved better. And I feel sorry for your ex-husband as well - the gay lifestyle has a way of devouring its own especially when you get older. At some point in his life - probably in middle or advanced age - he may regret having thrown away his marriage and family.

I'm in a less than desirable situation myself. As a teenager, I was socially awkward and never really appealed to girls and was rather effeminate. I was labeled a "fag" by peers and not exactly a hit with the opposite sex. I've really always been bisexual and capable of having a relationship with either gender, but feel like everything worked against my being heterosexual and was basically pushed into the gay lifestyle. A married heterosexual life would have certainly better fit my religious values and desire for stability. Yes, there was a element of choice but it is very difficult to lead a heterosexual lifestyle when you are perceived to be gay, basically introverted and have limited appeal to the opposite sex. Now I realize that I had been persistent and patient that maybe a nice girl would have come along but at that age you take the rejection very personally.

As a young man, I did have some heterosexual experiences which were quite enjoyable but they went nowhere and it was always back to being gay again. The gay lifestyle never really was fulfilling on an emotional level and gradually figured out that my relationship needs were not going to be met by another man. Gay men are not looking for a monogamous relationship for the most part and masculine or not .. they are still men who tend to lose interest in you after having sex.

Anyway, I am still bisexual in terms of my psychological makeup but have virtually no attraction to men my age or older (late forties) and realistic enough to know that a younger man is just going to be looking for a "sugar daddy." I'm certainly not interesting in wasting time on homosexual relationships that seldom remain faithful or endure and it is really isn't what I want anymore. The homosexuality certainly doesn't and never really did fit my values well. I am definitely attracted to some women my own age on a physical and emotional level, but it's hard to find someone of the opposite sex that is interested and I fear impossible if I'm honest about my background.

There are so many gay and bisexual men who nobody would ever guess had homosexual inclinations that have the ability to jump back and forth between lifestyles hurting others on both sides of the fence. The only "successful" bisexual males are the ones who lie and live two lives. A bisexual male who is honest about who he is but willing to give up the gay lifestyle as I have for the past year and a half is likely to be still be rejected by the opposite sex.

Anyway, my point is sexual behavior can be changed. I believe that some gay men are really 100% percent gay, but many are not. Some end up in a homosexual lifestyle because they were labeled into it and other young "waverers" are drawn into it because it requires less social skill. Over the years I found myself moving toward increasingly effeminate men. Finally, I realize that I had been looking for a Hallmark Card in a Home Depot store- I wasn't looking for masculine qualities at all. There are men who decide to come out of the closet at 40 and also those that resolve to leave the lifestyle. I happen to fall into the latter group which doesn't get airtime on "Opra."

Hope that you have are able to trust again and find a new partner in life. It isn't easy but you seem to be channeling your energies in a very constructive direction."

Friday, July 07, 2006

Carriers can be Liable for HIV Spread

A divided California Supreme Court ruled Monday that people who lead high-risk sexual lifestyles have good reason to know they may infected with the virus that causes AIDS and are responsible for informing partners about possible exposure. The ruling came in a case when a woman accused her ex-husband of giving her HIV on her honeymoon. They ruled that people who because of their behavior might be infected, even if they are unsure, have the obligation to tell their sexual partners. The husband told his new wife that he was monogamous, healthy and disease-free and insisted on having unprotected sex. Afterwards she started suffering from exhaustion and fevers and tested positive for HIV the next month. Her husband tested positively for HIV shortly thereafter. He accused her of bringing HIV into the marriage when indeed he later admitted that he had previously had sex with men.