Thursday, September 06, 2007

Craig is Fighting to Keep Senate Seat

An article out of Washington this morning states that Senator Larry Craig is launching a campaign to save his seat after all. He is also seeking dismissal of an ethics committee complaint and says he will stay in office if he can get his ' guilty' plea withdrawn from the men's sex room sting.
His campaign to stay in the Senate was setback when the the ethics committee refused to set aside the complaint against him. Although, Craig stated that he would resign by September 30th, it now looks like he will be putting up a fight.
A lot of other Republicans think he made the right decision by resigning and probably won't consider letting him stay in the Senate.
Again, it is not the fact that he IS is the fact that he cannot tell the truth and obviously has poor judgement. Do we really want someone with those qualities representing us in the Senate?


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