Questioning Homosexuality
I watched Oprah today and she had on two sets of identical twins where one in each twin set decided she was really a "guy" and became transgendered. Since identical twins have the exact same DNA, Oprah brought up the issue of whether you are born that way or become that way because of some outside influences either in the womb or out. The one twin also declared herself to be a lesbian while the other one was straight. What also was interesting about the show was the fact that when the females took testosterone to start the process of becoming male, the one started to prefer males (she had previously declared herself a lesbian). She/he feels that the hormone did indeed change the way she/he felt about their sexuality. Very fascinating and yet very I feel very sad for people that feel they are in the wrong body. I have no idea what it feels like, but I assume it is not a good one or even pretend to have the answer to that question.
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