Guilt of Harboring Secrets
Secrets....There was an article in the paper a few weeks ago by Kristi Gustafson entitled: Release Guilt: Harboring secrets can make you ill. In it she states: " Examples of more serious secrets, the kind on 'Desperate Housewives' each week or that stretch over a lifetime, such as the 'Brokeback Mountain' characters' sexual orientation, are all around us, if not in our own lives." She goes on further to explain that keeping these secrets can lead to stress and further health complications. Talking about it with a therapist, minister, friend or the internet ( web site helps to release this burden that we carry around. So for all of those out there that are carrying around the burdensome secret of being in a relationship or marriage when they are straight and you are gay, please release yourself. Send in a comment for posting sharing this with me.
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