Saturday, August 11, 2007

Spousal Support Becomes an Issue in Straight Spouse/Gay Spouse Situation

There is a story about a straight spouse, Ron Garber, in Orange County whose wife of 18 years left him for another woman. The two woman now have a 'domestic partnership' and he is arguing in court that he since she is, in effect, 'married' then he should have to pay any more spousal support.
Spousal support usually ceases when the spouse receiving it remarries assuming that there are now two breadwinners in the family. The same would seem to hold true in this case as well. Let's see how this works out in the courts between Ron Garber and his ex-wife, Melinda Kirkwood of Orange County, CA.
I am not in agreement with 'no-fault' divorce to a large extent which is what we have in California. I think it has contributed to a lot higher rate of divorce in our country. And, when someone leaves to be with someone else or for no substantial reason (i.e., abuse, addiction, etc.) I don't think the other party should have to pay spousal support of any kind. ...which is this case.
Why should Ron have pay Melinda at all? It will be interesting to see how the courts decide this one. This could be a landmark decision. Stay tuned.


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